Who Is The Best Bullet Player in The World?

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Nakamura, Hikaru (3315) – Firouzja, Alireza (3347)
Bullet Chess Championship 2023 (Chess.com) [04-07] 2023.07.20
C25 Vienna game, Max Lange defence

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.d3 Na5 5.Nf3 Nxc4 6.dxc4 d6 7.O-O Ne7 8.Na4 b6 9.a3 a5 10.c3 Bd7 11.b4 Bxa4 12.Qxa4+ b5 13.Qb3 axb4 14.cxb4 bxc4 15.Qxc4 Bb6 16.Rd1 Ng6 17.a4 O-O 18.a5 Ba7 19.Bd2 Kh8 20.Rac1 Rc8 21.Be3 Bxe3 22.fxe3 Nh4 23.Qe2 f5 24.exf5 Nxf5 25.e4 Ne7 26.Nxe5 Qe8 27.Nf3 Ng6 28.g3 Qe6 29.Nd4 Qh3 30.Rf1 Ne5 31.a6 h5 32.a7 h4 33.Rxf8+ Rxf8 34.Qh5+ Kg8 35.Qxh4 Qd7 36.Qh5 c5 37.Nf5 Qxa7 38.bxc5 dxc5 39.Kg2 Qa2+ 40.Kh3 Qe6 41.Rxc5 g6 42.Rxe5 Qxe5 43.Nh6+ Kh8 44.Qxe5+

00:00 Hello Everyone!

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  1. Didn't know Cillian Murphy played chess too. Truly an all rounder

  2. My new favorite line on youtube "we have a completly new game"

  3. This interface is better, dont change it😊

  4. I like the "old" screen setup very much… please dont change it – oldschool for life 😎

  5. Agadmator posts before I can pronounce Prag's full name

  6. <I'm new to trading, How can I get more profitable investment in the market. Without incurring much losses?

  7. I think it would be crazy awesome nostalgic if you did a video using the format you had 6 years ago.

  8. This format of winners bracket and losers bracket is the most boring format I've ever seen.
    Hope they keep the old format for some tournaments and this format for the other tournaments

  9. I've been here 5 minutes and I've seen three people type first. Yeah, first to blunder a queen maybe.

  10. "It's a weird thing to discuss, but so is everything on the Internet". So true…

  11. You should always finish and explain lines

  12. The evaluation bar has become a necessity for your channel to continue working

  13. I like to see the games finished, especially games like this, because I'd probably blunder stalemate.

  14. Why did ge remove the quote from top of the screen. I have a lot of favorite things when I watch this channel but daily quote has to be one of the most favorite!

  15. Where is the quote above the board? Somehow it feels weird not seeing them

  16. Meanwhile Gukesh has become the youngest player ever to cross 2750 & currently ranked World No. 11. Now he is only 3 points behind World No. 9 Vishy Anand. If he surpasses him, Gukesh will become the first Indian to do so in published ratings since 37 years. His next tournament will be The World Cup next month. Rooting for him to go all the way!

  17. tbh I never even noticed anything wrong with the aspect ratio

  18. We like to see Checkmate always. It's a nice sense of completion.

  19. Hikaru is still better. Maybe in terms of psychlogical who can hold the nerve after blunder

  20. Even calling 1+1 Bullet is wrong imo. It's so much slower, you need a completely different skillset

  21. I think Alireza is honestly better on paper even in 1+0. the thing is that he needs a bit more experience! Hiraku is really chill due to so much experience in matches and streaming. in the beginning of the match Alireza was dominating and then lost focus, and experience is the reason. let's not forget 13 more years of experience makes a huge difference!

  22. I’m sad to see there’s no quote at the top

  23. yeah, but you could also argue it's not fair not to loose time on move, cause it takes at least some time to execute it, now it's who's better premover

  24. Can you replace me instead of Tal in the background? 😅

  25. All i ever want to see is the magician from Riga on that interfase

  26. Thank you for changing back to OLD IS GOLD interface

  27. Depends on the caliber of the bullet!!?
    9mm, .380, .45, 10mm, 5.56, .50 cal
    But I prefer a bolter, Emperor protects!

  28. This interface is a lot better, keep it please!

  29. The white queen could also have been pushed forward to h6. Then the black pawn couldn’t take the knight without losing the queen. White’s queen on the next move has a potential checkmate on g7.

  30. It’s definitely very appreciated when you finish the games as it is not always obvious to us lower rated players why there is nothing more to be done 😉

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