The Immortal Bullet Chess Game! – Schmaltz vs. Har-Zvi, 2001 – #10 of the 2000s

In the 2000s, online chess took off, and great games began to be played online. In 2001, GM Ronen Har-Zvi played what has since been called the “Immortal Bullet Chess Game.” Don’t miss this game, my #10 best game of the 2000s!

* Chess beauty can be created even in 35 seconds!
* Try to give back material to stifle the mate when your opponent sacrifices for mate.
* Bullet chess is about intuition more than anything else.

#chess #bulletchess

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  1. Please don't analyse so muchSo us what the players played

  2. That was wild! Driving the white king to the eighth rank for mate.

  3. Amazing, indeed its about intuition – i've seen the 15s+0 game which Andrew Tang played against Alpha zero or maybe it was stockfish – in these time controls the engine is slower than a human 🙂 – engine dropped a piece and Andrew managed to win BY PREMOVING his queen attack :), he knew what the machine will play 🙂

  4. Why don't you make video ongoing candidates tournament!!

  5. 1:29 Rook want to go for e6 at the game but of course at this positşom Re8 bad

  6. Ronen Har-Zvi is from Israel not Italy 😡
    Definitely one of my favorite games, have looked at this one with countless students

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