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Top Chess Engine Championship, formerly known as Thoresen Chess Engines Competition (TCEC or nTCEC), is a computer chess tournament that has been run since 2010. It was organized, directed, and hosted by Martin Thoresen until the end of Season 6; from Season 7 onward it has been organized by Chessdom. It is often regarded as the Unofficial World Computer Chess Championship because of its strong participant line-up and long time-control matches on high-end hardware, giving rise to very high-class chess.
The TCEC competition is divided into seasons, where each season happens over a course of a few months, with matches played round-the-clock and broadcast live over the internet. Each season is divided into several qualifying stages and one “superfinal”, where the top two chess engines play 100 games to win the title of “TCEC Grand Champion”. In the superfinal, each engine plays 50 openings, once as each side. Beginning in Season 11 in 2018, a division system was introduced; the top 2 engines in each division are promoted, and the bottom 2 are relegated. Currently, there are 5 divisions (a Premier division, and divisions 1-4); newcomers generally start in division 4.
[Event “CCC 17 Bullet: Semifinals (2|1)”]
[Site “”]
[Date “2022.04.21”]
[Round “1”]
[White “Stockfish”]
[Black “Berserk”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteElo “?”]
[BlackElo “?”]
[Variant “Standard”]
[TimeControl “120+1”]
[ECO “B06”]
[Opening “Modern Defense: Mongredien Defense”]
[Termination “Unknown”]
[Annotator “”]
1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nf3 b6?! { (0.61 → 1.28) Inaccuracy. d6 was best. } { B06 Modern Defense: Mongredien Defense } (3… d6 4. c3 Nf6 5. Bd3 O-O 6. O-O Nbd7 7. h3 e5 8. Re1) 4. Bd3 Bb7 5. O-O d6 6. c3?! { (1.24 → 0.52) Inaccuracy. Re1 was best. } (6. Re1 Nd7 7. a4 Ngf6 8. a5 a6 9. c4 O-O 10. axb6 cxb6) 6… e6 7. Re1 Ne7 8. a4 a6 9. Nbd2 O-O 10. h4 h6 11. Nf1 Nd7 12. b4 Kh8 13. Ra2 Rb8 14. h5 g5 15. Bb1 c5 16. Qd3 Re8 17. e5 Nf8 18. Nxg5 hxg5 19. Bxg5 dxe5 20. h6 f6 21. Bd2 Nfg6 22. Qh3 Rg8 23. dxe5 f5 24. hxg7+ Kxg7 25. Bg5 Kf7 26. Rd2 Qc7 27. Qg3 Rg7 28. Red1 Nxe5 29. Rd6 Nf3+ 30. gxf3 Bd5 31. R6xd5 Nxd5 32. Qxc7+ Nxc7 33. Rd7+ Kf8 34. Rxg7 Kxg7 35. Bf4 Rc8 36. bxc5 b5 37. axb5 Nxb5 38. c4 Na7 39. Be3 Kf6 40. Bc2 Nc6 41. Nd2 Nb4 42. Ba4 Nd3 43. c6 e5 44. f4 Ke7 45. fxe5 Nxe5 46. c5 Nxc6 47. Nc4 Nb4 48. Nb6 Rg8+ 49. Kf1 Rg6 50. Bf4 a5 51. Bd6+ Kf7 52. Bd7 Rh6 53. Ke2 Na6 54. Nc4 Kf6 55. c6 Rh7 56. Nxa5 Rh8 57. c7?! { (7.22 → 4.88) Inaccuracy. Nc4 was best. } (57. Nc4) 57… Nxc7 58. Bxc7 Rg8 59. Bxf5?? { (5.99 → 2.73) Blunder. Nc6 was best. } (59. Nc6 Kf7 60. Be5 f4 61. Bxf4 Ra8 62. Be5 Ra2+ 63. Ke1 Rc2 64. f4 Rc1+ 65. Kf2 Rb1) 59… Rg1?? { (2.73 → 5.71) Blunder. Kxf5 was best. } (59… Kxf5 60. Nc4) 60. Be5+?? { (5.71 → 2.06) Blunder. Be4 was best. } (60. Be4 Rc1) 60… Kf7?? { (2.06 → 5.50) Blunder. Kxe5 was best. } (60… Kxe5 61. Bc2) 61. Nc4 Ke7 62. Bf6+? { (5.65 → 2.83) Mistake. Bd3 was best. } (62. Bd3 Kf7) 62… Kf8? { (2.83 → 5.56) Mistake. Kxf6 was best. } (62… Kxf6 63. Bc2 Kg5 64. Kf3 Rh1 65. Ne3 Rh3+ 66. Kg2 Rh8 67. Kg3 Ra8 68. f4+ Kh5 69. Kf3) 63. Be7+? { (5.56 → 3.09) Mistake. Be4 was best. } (63. Be4 Kf7 64. Bd4 Rg5 65. f4 Rh5 66. Ne5+ Kf8 67. Bc3 Rh6 68. Ke3 Kg8 69. Ng4 Rh4) 63… Kg7? { (3.09 → 5.71) Mistake. Kxe7 was best. } (63… Kxe7 64. Kf3 Kf6 65. Ne3 Kg5 66. Ke4 Re1 67. Ke5 Re2 68. f4+ Kh6 69. Kd4 Rd2+ 70. Bd3) 64. Ne5 Rc1 65. f4 Rh1?! { (5.44 → 7.46) Inaccuracy. Ra1 was best. } (65… Ra1 66. Be6 Ra8 67. Bc4 Re8 68. Bd6 Rh8 69. Nf3 Rh6 70. Nd4 Rh2+ 71. Ke3 Rh3+ 72. Nf3) 66. Bd7 Rh2+ 67. Ke3 Rh1 68. f5 Rf1 69. Nf3 Rc1 70. f6+ Kg6 71. Ne5+ Kh5 72. f7 Re1+ 73. Kf4 Rf1+ 74. Nf3 Rc1 75. Bg4+ Kg6 76. Ne5+ Kh7 77. Bf5+ Kh6 78. f8=Q+ Kh5 79. Qh8# { White wins. } 1-0
Hm, disappointing that the engines do those weird "trolling" moves at the end. I'd like to see this engine authors fix that, it has been a pattern for a while now.
Saint Peter don't you call me, 'cause I can't go – I owe my soul to the Stockfish Company store!
Man I hate playing the Hippo! And all it’s cousins! I need to memorize this game!
The problem is the Hippo has so many different set-ups, and my pieces end up in different positions, and I’m always making things up on the fly in blitz, never building a body of knowledge (or opening understanding) that grows game after game. Maybe this is the template I need! 🙏
Just wondering. Is 'mongredien' a mondegreen of 'mondegreen'?
In my opinion, both engines have a base of "table base chess"(6 pieces) and giving up a piece will lead to a 100% winning result for Stockfish
tcec 22 superfinal, final results: SF15 59.5 – Dragon +19 Elo to the fish.
The Bishop sacrifice e5+ is the best move in this game! 😕
thank you for your work jozarov
Ra2, a fantastic idea, that was so deep, a bit of foolishness at the end. I agree, these Mongredien type defences are annoying especially in shorter time formats. Thanks Josip and keep up the good work.