#flag only wins in bullet chess | #freefolk

#flag flag clock This video is one from my lichess account #freefolk
This was used to reach 1300 in bullet
One more thing that happened on it’s own was that all the wins on this account and this playlist are from flagging & not a single checkmate

I know It’s full of blunders

This is not a tutorial and you should not use it like one in anyway unless you are willing to lose points

Thanks for watching



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#freefolk #lichess
#bullet #flag #flagging #chess

#chess #lichess #bullet #blitz

chess, checkmate videos, chess.com videos, chess.com, chess lesson, queen sacrifice, chess checkmate, how to win chess fast, how to win chess games, chess tips for beginners, chess tips and tricks for beginners, chess tricks to win fast, chess tricks for beginners, chess tricks to win, legal trap chess, legal trap chess moves, win chess fast, lichess, stoic quotes, Bullet, Blitz, Stillnotclicked, Shorts, Flagging, Bullet chess, Hyper bullet, Ultra bullet, Not a Stoic, Bong cloud
Shorts chess
Arena games

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