MC has taken over the chess movement: how is it possible for a player to decide who participates or does not participate in tournaments? Did Niemann cheat?: it is they (I only write “they” because if I put names my comment disappears) who have to prove it, otherwise it is defamation, a rather serious offense. There are the flying monkeys who attack Niemann at every opportunity by implying perverse things, and this is indicative of a highly toxic environment: well prove it, otherwise dumb. Tournaments must ensure that competitions take place without any possibility of cheating: is that not possible? then do without organizing tournaments. But if he cheats Niemann, the others? it's like doping in cycling in the 1990s: a generation of cyclists was taken out and then it was discovered that the clean one was the most doped of all: LA. They put suspicion in the world, but now it is no longer about Niemann it is about all chess players including the top of the pyramid.PS: and since the “he is a cheater” line did not hold up we moved on to the “he is obnoxious” line. In MotoGP Marc Marquez would not run any grand prix: he is the most obnoxious and hostile of all: he makes other riders fall … MC fell off his chair because of Niemann? Never heard a more absurd excuse, the best chess players in the world are a club of sour spinsters? This also makes you realize how low chess has fallen: why do they like each other? what competition is it? isn't it umma umma? Woe betide MC losing that their tummies ache? In fact they are all players without personality, that's the problem with Niemann.NKMR is ridiculous in his justification of the missed invitations.If there was no lobby against Niemann at tournaments they would invite him all right, because he is promising, he is young, and because of his style of play. The destruction of the room is passed off as one of the reasons why he is not invited, but it is the consequence. NKMR has no intellectual honesty. it is clear, however, that MC's fame is much more important and decides the success of a tournament: almost like a prima donna in the realm of opera decides the success of an opera. it is yes we are in the realm of art rather than sports. PS2: that tournaments are invitation-only is an absurdity that limits the progress of players who are not invited: it is a perverse system. why not do like the ATP: in a SLAM tournament in 7 matches + selections 128 players face each other: Niemann in tennis, being between 20th and 30th position could participate as a seeded player.
Explaining the difference btw Bongcloud & Greek openings while beating a 2700 in bullet is wild
not the mega bongcloud 💀
MC has taken over the chess movement: how is it possible for a player to decide who participates or does not participate in tournaments? Did Niemann cheat?: it is they (I only write “they” because if I put names my comment disappears) who have to prove it, otherwise it is defamation, a rather serious offense. There are the flying monkeys who attack Niemann at every opportunity by implying perverse things, and this is indicative of a highly toxic environment: well prove it, otherwise dumb. Tournaments must ensure that competitions take place without any possibility of cheating: is that not possible? then do without organizing tournaments. But if he cheats Niemann, the others? it's like doping in cycling in the 1990s: a generation of cyclists was taken out and then it was discovered that the clean one was the most doped of all: LA. They put suspicion in the world, but now it is no longer about Niemann it is about all chess players including the top of the pyramid.PS: and since the “he is a cheater” line did not hold up we moved on to the “he is obnoxious” line. In MotoGP Marc Marquez would not run any grand prix: he is the most obnoxious and hostile of all: he makes other riders fall … MC fell off his chair because of Niemann? Never heard a more absurd excuse, the best chess players in the world are a club of sour spinsters? This also makes you realize how low chess has fallen: why do they like each other? what competition is it? isn't it umma umma? Woe betide MC losing that their tummies ache? In fact they are all players without personality, that's the problem with Niemann.NKMR is ridiculous in his justification of the missed invitations.If there was no lobby against Niemann at tournaments they would invite him all right, because he is promising, he is young, and because of his style of play. The destruction of the room is passed off as one of the reasons why he is not invited, but it is the consequence. NKMR has no intellectual honesty. it is clear, however, that MC's fame is much more important and decides the success of a tournament: almost like a prima donna in the realm of opera decides the success of an opera. it is yes we are in the realm of art rather than sports. PS2: that tournaments are invitation-only is an absurdity that limits the progress of players who are not invited: it is a perverse system. why not do like the ATP: in a SLAM tournament in 7 matches + selections 128 players face each other: Niemann in tennis, being between 20th and 30th position could participate as a seeded player.
Why there are always too random dudes at the back lmao so cute.
that was fast